Many things happen to you that you cannot control. Yet, you can control your reaction, your perspective on what happens. You can control how you let it affect your mood, your thoughts. In the hardest moments, be confident in letting go and letting God appear as the abundant all-sufficiency in your life and affairs. You win the moment when you trust and reframe your thoughts to trust - even in the midst of the storm. Merry Christmas and love,
Funny how we forget how much we wanted something ...that we got long ago. A diploma. A romance. A career. Even a specific pair of boots. We’ve forgotten there was a time we didn’t have it. How we might feel if we lost everything we now have... And then got it all back. Life’s preciousness can be forgotten... ...if we aren’t careful! Love, Did you ever wonder why and how we begin to take things for granted? In our humanness, we stop being amazed at the goodness, the joy, the miracles... That we forget to feel that rush of gratitude. Look for it. Notice the simplest things that are good today. Enjoy your Thanks-giving... Love, Funny how we forget how much we wanted something... ...that we got long ago. A diploma A romance A career Even a specific pair of boots. We’ve forgotten there was a time we didn’t have it. How we might feel if we lost everything we now have... And then got it all back. Life’s preciousness can be forgotten... ...if we aren’t careful! Love, Not only are you here for a purpose, There is also a purpose in each person you meet. For you, some will be difficult, some will be easy and wonderful, Still, every single one is there to help you grow, And awesomely, you are there to help them grow. Crazy fun, this life! Love love love, Be sure to be kind to yourself. Take time for you. Be with your best people. Astonish others with your kindness, your love, and feel it come back to you. Funny how it works - the more we share love, the more we feel. Life is about not knowing. Life is about having to change. Gilda Radner called it delicious ambiguity, making the day, the best possible, without knowing what’s going to happen next. Oh if we could see it that way more often… Love, No matter what the situation is now, it will change. For sure. Know that you are where you need to be right now. This time in your life is what it’s supposed to be. Trust. Love. Shine your light for others. Here’s love to you, “Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same.” – Francesca Reigler Happy and strong to you, Sometimes when Claude and I were traveling between Abu Dhabi and the United States, we ate breakfast in Abu Dhabi, lunch in the air over the vast earth below, and dinner in the United States! When I talked to loves in my life on the other continent, it would be day for me and night for them, or the other way around. That made me think about how time is a construct of our minds, ...and a day or a night is, as well. Think what you can do with a day. What amazing things you can accomplish. So much more than we first believe! Sending love and time to do what you wish, I learned from Wayne Dyer... ...that with everything that happens to us, ...we can feel sorry for ourself, ...or see every single thing as a gift, an opportunity to grow ...or an obstacle to keep us from growing. We get to choose! Love and good choices, Do you know that anxiety, depression, sadness and stress harm your physical health? And that calmness, love, surety, joy and gratitude strengthen your physical health? Let your emotions today trigger chemical reactions in your body that strengthen you, and do not bring on inflammation and a weakened immune system. Dwell in the thoughts that become strength and health! Sending love to your health today!, |
Dr Chris BakerAmerica's most-trusted teacher of orthodontic continuing education, Dr. Chris Baker has practiced and taught for more than 30 years, and is a current or former faculty member of three U.S. dental schools. She is a pediatric dentist, author, blogger, dental practice consultant, and mentor. Dr. Chris is also Past President and Senior Instructor of the American Orthodontic Society. She is based in Texas, USA, but lectures around the world. Categories
January 2025
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