Here’s a thought! -- When you start living the way you’ll live when your prayers are answered, You’ll reap the benefits of answered prayers immediately. You'll be AMAZED!
“Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.” Napoleon Hill wrote a little book called, “Think and Grow Rich.” If you haven’t read it, order or buy it today and read it! If you have read it, get it out and read it again. His quote above is only the tip of the JOYOUS learning. When the Negative Thoughts Come – and they will, because they come to all of us, – you might try not to dwell on it. That’s NOT ENOUGH. Replace it with positive thoughts! - and the best types of these are gratitude thoughts. You could even 'fill in the blank' with the following... "I am GRATEFUL for _____ today! It could be ‘my drive to work.’ It could be ‘my parents’ or 'my family.' It could be ‘my ability to change my life -- and the world -- even more!’ Or it could be ‘This day and its opportunities and challenges.’ Give it some thought. You'll find your own reasons to be grateful. The universe has frequencies - energies - They are all around and IN US. Your thoughts are not ‘heard’ by anybody else But your thoughts’ energies are evident to others. Your thoughts are energies, Your energies translate to your emotions And The universe’s energies respond to your energies, And give you more of what you think and feel. Yep. You see, everything (everything!) has energy. And all energy vibrates. It vibrates outward, all around you, touching everyone and everything. It vibrates out into the universe. The universe takes that energy you are emitting and matches it to stuff that will build upon it. And then it comes back to you. |
Dr Chris BakerAmerica's most-trusted teacher of orthodontic continuing education, Dr. Chris Baker has practiced and taught for more than 30 years, and is a current or former faculty member of three U.S. dental schools. She is a pediatric dentist, author, blogger, dental practice consultant, and mentor. Dr. Chris is also Past President and Senior Instructor of the American Orthodontic Society. She is based in Texas, USA, but lectures around the world. Categories
January 2025
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