Oraqix is a periodontal anesthesia and there are some REALLY amazing things a dentist can do with it in treating pediatric and orthodontic patients. Just let me explain the 'magic'.
Dentists, you can feel the joy of making lives brighter! The role of the dentist in making a patient -- especially child patients -- more beautiful will make their entire lives much better, more productive and profitable. Scientific studies have proven this true, repeatedly.
What are you grateful for on this Thanksgiving day? People usually associate "making a list" with Christmas and gift-giving. For Thanksgiving, making a list of things for which you are grateful might be a great idea.
You can work harder, do more, set more goals, trying hard to change your life. Seems like the quickest way, but it’s not. And, crazy-but-true, it won’t work like sitting for a few minutes every day, picturing those goals, being grateful for their showing up in your life, even before you see them. I know, it’s easy to be grateful when you “see” the results you want. But it’s ever so more important to “see” the results you desire in your silence, in your grateful imagination-sight. Seems silly, pointless, but it’s not. It’s the way you can have an active impact on your desires, on your life. As you rest in solitude and peace, those images will sink into your subconscious mind and you’ll find yourself with new thoughts and actions that take you toward the goals. Easy-peasy. Sounds woo-woo, but it’s not. It’s the way God works in us. Our conscious repetitive thoughts become prevalent in our subconscious, connecting to the energy of the Universe. Sounds incredible - yes, but it IS! In anticipation and gratitude, What is the art of dentistry all about? How does the dentist fulfill her or his dream of helping others? For the dentist, it is time to review just how much you are fulfilling your dream. What steps need to be taken to make that happen? Are there any adjustments needing to be made to your daily routine? Certain things can weigh down the life -- and career -- of a dentist. Here is how to identify what some of those things are and get yourself in a direction to do something about it. Dentists, how many academic studies tell us that oral health problems should be addressed through patient education - assuming the patient will do exactly as you instruct? When you tell your patient to brush and floss, how many do that? Don't they understand the importance of their own oral health? Here are some things to consider.
Dr Chris BakerAmerica's most-trusted teacher of orthodontic continuing education, Dr. Chris Baker has practiced and taught for more than 30 years, and is a current or former faculty member of three U.S. dental schools. She is a pediatric dentist, author, blogger, dental practice consultant, and mentor. Dr. Chris is also Past President and Senior Instructor of the American Orthodontic Society. She is based in Texas, USA, but lectures around the world. Categories
January 2025
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