Yes, it is important to have dreams… To enumerate them, And then - To focus on... Those desired end results. Avoid the "hows". Leave the methodology to God. See it done. See it here, and how it will feel. Especially how it will feel. Feel it now.
By the way - with whom do you spend time? Disparagers or encouragers? Problem-see-ers or Problem-solvers? Procrastinators or ‘get-‘er-done -ers’ Fearful or courageous? Blamers or ‘learn-from-my error-ers’? Gossipers or encouragers? Pretenders or genuiners? As you go through your week, ponder which type of folks Surround you. Begin surrounding yourself with the positive ones. Shower the negativers with love, and then move away from those wherever you can. Your life is too important for anything less. As you go through your day, with EVERYONE you meet,
You will touch thousands of people. Thousands?? How? For example, as a pediatric dentist and orthodontist Each day brings many people into my ‘sphere.’ And for each I encounter, I also reach everyone they will EVER know. AND, EVERYONE they will ever know. My single day of moments of love Stretches out in love, kindness, Like the waves of the oceans, Still spreading after I have gone on. (Of course continuing as I am with my friends and my family, As I grocery shop, As I write to you, On and on, and on and on…For each and every day. Because people are changed by my energies. As dependable as the ocean tides!) With everything that has happened to you, Your choice is to feel sorry for yourself ...or... To treat what has happened as a gift. Every single thing is either an opportunity to grow ...or... an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose. Thoughts from Dr. Wayne Dyer, a major mentor in my life. This and this alone changed an awful lot for me. Let it resonate See what you think. (Because what you think is what it’s all about.) We were talking about change… ‘Forgive the past. It is over. Learn from it and let go. People around you - AND YOU - constantly change and grow.’ As you think of Brian Weiss’s wisdom above, Think how easy it is to cling to a limited, disconnected, negative image of a person in the past. See the persons around you in the now. See your relationships alive and changing. Now, the changed YOU and the changed THEM Can move on to greater. |
Dr Chris BakerAmerica's most-trusted teacher of orthodontic continuing education, Dr. Chris Baker has practiced and taught for more than 30 years, and is a current or former faculty member of three U.S. dental schools. She is a pediatric dentist, author, blogger, dental practice consultant, and mentor. Dr. Chris is also Past President and Senior Instructor of the American Orthodontic Society. She is based in Texas, USA, but lectures around the world. Categories
January 2025
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