The pediatric dentist can do amazing — almost miraculous — life-transforming treatment WHEN he/she provides outstanding, needed orthodontic and orthopedic treatments. Here’s where to get outstanding orthodontic education. Joy for you and joy for the parents and patients!
My 11-year-old daughter said she “looked silly” in her outfit one day. I asked her what looked silly. She responded that the “other girls were looking at me and I could tell they thought I looked silly.”
How easy it is to take others’ opinions into oneself. And often not even realize it. Sometimes it is what you learned as a child, and often it is what you BELIEVE others think of you. Complex! Not even what people really think, but rather what we THINK they think! Regardless, here is a power thought for your day, “I now go beyond other people’s fears and limitations, and I now go beyond MY fears and limitations.” You can! Why is Straight Wire Orthodontics NOT enough? Why do our pre-programmed brackets not give us desired finished results? The power of your thoughts is incredible!
Every one of your thoughts emits a potent message out, into the Universe. That power joins the power of many others' thoughts, and even the movement of molecules in the things around us. Your powerful 'cosmic waves' are part of the Universe, the sea of energy we live in. And they boomerang right back at you with more positive vibrations in your life! Here’s a fabulous power thought for your day: “Every day, in every way, I’m getting [better and better; healthier and healthier; stronger and stronger; happier and happier…]" Choose happy, positive and energizing vibrations for your thoughts. It can make you exactly that - happy, positive and energizing! Happy day, today and EVERY day! To understand the heart-brain connection is priceless when you work with your young patients and their parents. As a young mother, I noticed that as much as I enjoyed my infant, I looked forward to his next developmental milestone, lifting his head, turning over, sitting up, crawling, walking…
We so often think “when this or that happens, then…” We have the tendency to think of happiness as a future event, and we miss the present moment. When our children go to school; when they graduate; when they begin working; when they marry; when we go to school, graduate, begin our practice, go on vacation… Hummmm… staying ‘in the moment’ and enjoying it is not always easy. But this is the only moment we have now. The present is our opportunity for happiness, because happiness is in the present. “This moment is your point of power.” ~ Louise Hay “Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.” ~ Jim Rohn Have a wonderfully happy day today!! During COVID-19, facemasks became common in many places. Humans are social, evolutionarily hard-wired to connect by looking at each others’ faces. Children’s maldevelopment and psychological effects on children and adults of wearing facemasks can be debilitating. |
Dr Chris BakerAmerica's most-trusted teacher of orthodontic continuing education, Dr. Chris Baker has practiced and taught for more than 30 years, and is a current or former faculty member of three U.S. dental schools. She is a pediatric dentist, author, blogger, dental practice consultant, and mentor. Dr. Chris is also Past President and Senior Instructor of the American Orthodontic Society. She is based in Texas, USA, but lectures around the world. Categories
January 2025
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