There are a lot of functional appliances being taught to dentists. They rely on patient compliance - that’s the tough part. The question is, then, “can they be REALLY functional for this patient?" Ask the question as you treatment plan each patient.
A forward tongue position is now typical in child and adolescent patients. It used to not be that way. There are a whole host of dental and orthodontic problems that can result. Today we are glued to screens - probably way, way too much. We become addicted to the video platform. Think about beginning a little library for yourself, that you can go back to over and over, to feel happy, to learn, to grow, to become a different person. If you haven’t yet, find and read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. And, Twelve Pillars, by Jim Rohn. Spend a little time each day - maybe each evening - reading a few pages. Once you’ve read each, set it on your shelf. Start your little library. Then find The Strangest Secret, by Earl Nightingale. (He joined the US Marine Corps at 17, was on the USS Arizona during the attack on Pearl Harbor, and was one of 15 surviving Marines that day.) Another little wonderful book for your library. My library, my reading make me happy. Maybe these books will be great for you as well. Try one. If it suits you, great! If not, keep looking for what suits you. Reading connects neuronal synapses that protect our brain, that help balance the damage screens can do to our brains. And, being happy is everything. Try a little reading. To paraphrase Otis Redding, ‘Oh, you may be weary. Try a little reading. You won’t regret it, no no, Try a little reading.’ Let me know what you think of these three book ideas. I’d love to hear what you think!! Love, Sleep apnea's resurgence in interest has some interesting and important reasons. And one of them is how it affects your child. For the dentist, an important part of doing great orthodontics is having an accurate cephalometric tracing of your patient. There is a simple way to keep this from being arduous. Let me explain. . The word saunter comes from the late 1500’s to 1660’s, and has been linked to “la Sainte Terre,” or holy land. Thoreau said that persons who understood the art of walking on the precious earth were geniuses. It’s also linked to adventure, walking with awareness of the earth and beauty around. It’s a wonderful word for walking with muse, with reverie, leisurely, strolling, loving what is around. Then there is the equally wonderful word, mosey, similarly meaning to wander or shuffle about leisurely, stroll, a pace slowed for enjoyment of the walking. How many times in my hurry to get through an airport, or a shopping mall, or even walking to a specific location, have I come upon someone walking slowly - moseying along - and thought how I wish they would speed up or let me pass. One morning in a line awaiting coffee before a meeting, I thought, “If these folks would just hurry up…” And I could have been connecting with the people in line instead. I could have moseyed into my morning! Today. Saunter. Mosey into and throughout your day. Take the time for awareness of your surroundings, your earth, the beauty around you, the folks around you. Have reverie for your walk throughout your day. Saunter through your day. Mosey with me. In love, This is not just true in dentistry, but in every profession. Being skilled -- in dentistry or whatever your work is -- is a great accomplishment. The dentist worked hard to learn and hone those skills. But there is the challenge to go beyond the 'technician' and transcend into something special. Practicing great pediatric dentistry is possible without using sedation and general anesthesia. For the vast majority of patients, this is safer and creates a happier, healthier dental experience. Here's how. Purpose - You are here for a reason. That reason has to do with connecting to others, to your higher self, and to God. Your purpose is to fill a need or a void in the world, using your particular talents, awarenesses, your needs (yes - your needs), your fears, (yes - your fears), your courage, your love. (Funny thing, our purposes are all the same - make the world better - yet VERY different - using our talents, awarenesses, needs, fears, courage, love.) Get to your purpose - today! Start with gratitude. (Something you have to “work” at, to get in the habit of being thankful, to become aware of our good fortunes.) Gratitude makes life wonderful. The gratitude ‘System’ - 1. Take time to reflect - how about right when you wake up in the morning? 2. Think about what’s good in your life. Say, “I am grateful for what I have had, for what I now have, and for what I shall have.” 3. Talk to others throughout the day and ask what they are grateful for. 4. Be generous with others. Give your time, your energy, your LOVE, your abundance. 5. Tell others you are grateful for them. Your purpose, your significance will become clearer and clearer to you as you find you have lower stress, more energy, more joy, better sleep, more fun, more delight, more love. Let’s live together in love and gratitude, you wonderful you! It takes a team to run a dental practice. As the owner of the practice, it's important to remember that your team members need respect and love - and there's a way to do it right. |
Dr Chris BakerAmerica's most-trusted teacher of orthodontic continuing education, Dr. Chris Baker has practiced and taught for more than 30 years, and is a current or former faculty member of three U.S. dental schools. She is a pediatric dentist, author, blogger, dental practice consultant, and mentor. Dr. Chris is also Past President and Senior Instructor of the American Orthodontic Society. She is based in Texas, USA, but lectures around the world. Categories
January 2025
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