We are living in a special time. Not necessarily one we would have chosen. Yet, special, nonetheless. We are privileged to be here now. We are part of this moment And each of has a job to do, Loving, comforting, Working toward the best time we can imagine. You are a lightwkrker. Each of us are. You are ever so close. Stay the course. Ride the golden light Connecting to every soul in you meet. In courage, in love, and in this time.
"🎶 🎄 Have yourself a merry little Christmas Let your heart be light From now on Our troubles will be out of sight Have yourself a merry little Christmas Make the Yule-tide gay From now on Our troubles will be miles away Here we are as in olden days Happy golden days of yore Faithful friends who are dear to us Gather near to us once more Through the years we all will be together If the Fates allow Hang a shining star upon the highest bough And have yourself a merry little Christmas now." Love, Every day there are thousands of reasons They may be hiding. Lost items? Rejections? A glance that turns in to a long look? Or, they may be in plain sight! (Usually are.) Challenges? New people you meet? Craziness in the world? Thousands of reasons to be happy! Look for ‘em. And when you find one, two, three - look for many others! This is a fun hide-and-seek game. The two prospectors digging for gold went out west. (Only a few years ago. Seriously.) They had heard a tip about a vein of gold… And after days and days, weeks, of digging... They gave up. Never found the gold. A couple of other prospectors Decided to continue digging, Where the first two had worked. Two days later, they struck gold. True story. I’ll let you think of the lessons herein. There are several! |
Dr Chris BakerAmerica's most-trusted teacher of orthodontic continuing education, Dr. Chris Baker has practiced and taught for more than 30 years, and is a current or former faculty member of three U.S. dental schools. She is a pediatric dentist, author, blogger, dental practice consultant, and mentor. Dr. Chris is also Past President and Senior Instructor of the American Orthodontic Society. She is based in Texas, USA, but lectures around the world. Categories
January 2025
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